August 31, 2017
•Last updated November 5, 2023
Let's Build: A Consultancy Website - Part 29
Coding the Services Page - Part 3
In part 29 of my Let's Build series, I continue coding the services page. All that's left is to style the form and the general call to action image on the lower half of the design. Here anyone interested in working with Alyssa can get in touch directly. They can also use the contact page of which we have yet to build. Look for that soon!
I keep mentioning Wufoo forms in the last few videos but I ended up choosing a Kirby plugin to help with sending form submission via PHP. We'll dive deeper into the upcoming parts of the series to show how this gets integrated and how it all works. Overall, this approach was more hands-on but also more powerful.
I hope you're enjoying the Let's build series so far! It's been a long haul but we are getting close to launching this website. In future let's build series we will tackle different types of projects all while using different types of technologies and tools. Stay tuned for more and be sure to subscribe to my weekly newsletter and YouTube channel to receive automatic updates.
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Part of the Let's Build: A Consultancy Website collection
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