Today marks the beginning of a new series of which I'm titling "Let's Build". The idea is to build something new and screencast the process all while using new technolog...
1214 reads
You are viewing a list of articles tagged: kirby
Today marks the beginning of a new series of which I'm titling "Let's Build". The idea is to build something new and screencast the process all while using new technolog...
1214 reads
Let's Build: A Consultancy Website Part 2 kicks off with a meeting between Alyssa and myself to discuss sources of inspiration.
During this phase, I get a feel for wh...
861 reads
In part 3 of the Let's Build: A Consultancy Website series brings forth the beginning of the hands-on portion of the videos to come. This part and the next will feature ...
825 reads
It's finally time to code! And with that, I needed a good foundation to build our website on top of. Meet Kirby, my CMS of choice for this projec...
919 reads
In part 16 I optimize our theme for development. Kirby comes with a starter kit preinstalled to show you functionality which I really like.
752 reads
Styling our home page header begins in part 17 of the Let's Build: A Consultancy Website series.
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In Part 18 we styled just about all of the home page header. In part 19, I revisited the primary navigation which I completely fo...
791 reads
In part 21 I continue coding the home page by starting the process section of our design. This section is a little more complex than mo...
813 reads
In part 23 I round out the home page design and spend time coding the footer.
To make this a global component I needed to make sure it's a sni...
803 reads
In part 24 of my Let's Build series I walk you through the initial phases of coding the About page design. We leave the home page for now but...
1129 reads
Part 25 of my Let's Build: A Consultancy Website series continues on the About page.
The design calls for a brief call to ac...
505 reads
So far in this series you've seen me team up with my, now wife, Alyssa to design and build a consultancy website for marketing purposes. P...
805 reads
In part 29 of my Let's Build series, I continue coding the services page. All that's left is to style the form and the general ca...
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Part 30 officially marks the end of my immediate work on the services page by tackling the form. In previous videos I mentioned utili...
1158 reads
In part 32 I start with making the homepage responsive. With most of the consultancy website designed and built, I can move on to ma...
379 reads
In part 33 I continue working on the home page trying my best to make the hero section responsive. As you can see from ...
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In part 34 I continue past the home page to pay more attention to the interior pages of the site.
Using the grid framework...
526 reads
Part 35 introduces our new responsive mobile menu of which I found as inspiration on Codepen.
To code t...
517 reads
Part 37 teaches you how to perform redirects in Kirby. Alyssa's blog is hosted elsewhere so we chose...
444 reads