Andy from Webcrunch

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Andy Leverenz

August 26, 2020

Last updated November 5, 2023

Let's build for Ruby and Rails developers - Part 7

In part 7 of my Let's build for Ruby and Rails developers series I begin styling parts of the app relative to specific job listings.

If you're reading this, thanks for joining me on this journey! This part of the series is pretty straight-forward. We'll leverage Ruby, Rails, and Tailwind CSS to start bringing some aspects of the user interface to life. I'll pay attention primarily to the job listing partial and the index (root path) of the site to begin with.

The style is very basic for now. I have high doubt I'll keep things as they look now but I want to move quickly to keep this project from taking to go live.

The series so far

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Part of the Let's Build for Ruby and Rails Developers collection

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