Andy from Webcrunch

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Andy Leverenz

March 22, 2017

Last updated November 5, 2023

How to Code HTML to WordPress - Part 4

Part 4 of How to Code HTML to WordPress picks up where I left off in Part 3 after I added Gulp tasks to our project which ultimately allows us to make changes to our theme's Sass code among other code.

I left off finishing out the header area of the page by adding custom fields and the appropriate corresponding data. In this video, I tackle the next two sections of content and integrate them with advanced custom fields similar to how I coded the header.

In the next part of the series, we turn to code HTML WordPress style. Watch me as I do some advanced (but actually pretty simple) database querying in order to support custom post types, categories, and content. I hope you'll join me!

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HTML to WP - Start
HTML to WP - End

The Series So Far

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