When it comes to establishing your own brand and identity a lot more work is involved than you may think. Proper planning is crucial to establishing your image and messa...
463 reads
You are viewing a list of articles tagged: branding
When it comes to establishing your own brand and identity a lot more work is involved than you may think. Proper planning is crucial to establishing your image and messa...
463 reads
In Part 1 of How To Establish Your Brand and Identity, I discussed the many aspects of Branding. I re...
534 reads
Most people misinterpret what branding truly is. Whether in their brand other their employer’s brand, people assume a brand is only the logo. Another assumption is t...
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Kind of an odd title right? Well, think about it. We all have our favorite products we use each and every day. Many times you make purchases on products without even thi...
390 reads
Attracting a specific audience with content can work in a variety of ways. Most content that gets published has a main focal point or category which depicts what the e...
442 reads
Today marks the beginning of a new series of which I'm titling "Let's Build". The idea is to build something new and screencast the process all while using new technolog...
1221 reads
Let's Build: A Consultancy Website Part 2 kicks off with a meeting between Alyssa and myself to discuss sources of inspiration.
During this phase, I get a feel for wh...
866 reads
In part 3 of the Let's Build: A Consultancy Website series brings forth the beginning of the hands-on portion of the videos to come. This part and the next will feature ...
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In Part 20 of my Let's Build: A Consultancy Website series I walk you through finishing some last-minute tweaks of ou...
1149 reads
In part 31 I record a very long but thorough screencast of my design for the Hire me page as well as the coding process invol...
1705 reads